Public Affairs Must Inform Foreign Policy
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

About the Author: P.J. Crowley serves as Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs.
Last week, I began my tenure as the Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs. I am humbled and exhilarated by the task before me and am grateful for the trust and confidence President Obama and Secretary Clinton have placed in me.
Almost 20 years ago, I was assigned to Germany, one of the highlights of my 26 years serving with the U.S. Air Force. I have been contemplating those days as I prepared for this assignment. During my time in Germany, the Berlin Wall ceased to divide East from West. The people of East and West Germany literally pushed until the wall was breached and ultimately removed.
In the aftermath, when given a choice, the people of Eastern Europe rejected Communism and moved swiftly to associate themselves with the rule of law, market economies and responsible and accountable governments. This success was due in no small measure to institutions like the United States Information Agency, Voice of America and Radio Free Europe, which helped foreign publics understand that they could have the rights and opportunities of free people. This was public diplomacy at its best, and proved to be a cornerstone of our policy of containment. Now, Secretary Clinton’s focus on using smart power – the full compliment of diplomatic, economic, military, political, legal, and cultural tools is leading us back to a balanced approach to foreign policy that served us well throughout our history.
As we know, global challenges hardly disappeared with the end of the Cold War. Today, we continue to combat extreme ideologies in an expanding conflict in Afghanistan while dealing with festering violence in Iraq. Success in this current struggle will require the same kind of patience, determination and skill that we demonstrated during the Cold War – identifying a clear, peaceful and modern alternative to the people of the world, reinforcing our strategic narrative while diminishing that of extremist insurgents. As Secretary Clinton stated in her recent testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the State Department is seeking the resources to deploy a new strategic communication strategy to buttress our foreign policy. Ultimately, we cannot succeed unless we build and sustain public support at home and around the world.
Today’s global communications environment is dramatically different than it was even a few years ago. A digital image can be transmitted from anywhere in the world at an instant, as we saw with the cell phone image of the execution of Saddam Hussein and its impact.
One of my goals is to have the State Department communicate its message more strategically. In order to do this, we must be dynamic and use all available means both old and new media - traditional methods such as the Daily Press Briefings as well as experimenting with new media, such as Facebook, Twitter, and video through the Internet. The culmination of this effort will be a virtual presence that is engaged in a global dialogue, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in all corners of the world.
Given the expanded nature of the communications environment, Secretary Clinton decided to restructure the Bureau of Public Affairs. I will serve as the Assistant Secretary, but not as the every day spokesman for the department. One of my foremost responsibilities will be to ensure that public affairs informs public policy. This is why you’ll hear me repeatedly coming back to the idea of a strategic communications plan. My task, working with Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Judith McHale and the newly designated spokesman, Ian Kelly, will be to serve as the senior advisor to the Secretary, contribute to the administration’s interagency strategic planning and lead the Bureau of Public Affairs and the dedicated public affairs professionals at the State Department and around the world. I am an avid Red Sox fan. Judith is a Yankees fan and Ian, a Cubs fan, but we are united by a higher calling and significant challenges.
Tackling these global challenges – extremism, nonproliferation, climate change, global health and food security just to name a few – will require, as Secretary Clinton has said repeatedly, coordinated, international partnerships at the government-to-government and people-to-people levels and all variations in between. In order to build and sustain such partnerships, we must communicate effectively. Effective communication is a two-way street, so as much as I look forward to keeping you informed on new initiatives, I’m even more eager to hear your ideas.
Public Affairs Must Inform Foreign Policy
[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]
Public Affairs Must Inform Foreign Policy
[Source: News Paper]
Public Affairs Must Inform Foreign Policy
[Source: Sunday News]
Public Affairs Must Inform Foreign Policy
[Source: World News]
Public Affairs Must Inform Foreign Policy
[Source: Channels News]
posted by 88956 @ 1:34 PM,
House Republicans Weigh Attack on Pelosi

"House Republicans, hoping to put Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) back on defense, are weighing whether to take another run at a resolution calling for an investigation into her allegations that the CIA lied to Congress about its use of enhanced interrogation techniques," reports Roll Call.
House Republicans Weigh Attack on Pelosi
[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]
House Republicans Weigh Attack on Pelosi
[Source: Mexico News]
House Republicans Weigh Attack on Pelosi
[Source: News 2]
House Republicans Weigh Attack on Pelosi
[Source: World News]
posted by 88956 @ 12:32 PM,
Mr Universe to governator

A look back at Arnold Schwarzenegger's career in pictures
Mr Universe to governator
[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]
Mr Universe to governator
[Source: October News]
Mr Universe to governator
[Source: Media News]
Mr Universe to governator
[Source: News Station]
Mr Universe to governator
[Source: Cnn News]
Mr Universe to governator
[Source: Murder News]
posted by 88956 @ 10:55 AM,
Cato Scholar Comments on 20th Anniversary of Tianamen

James A. Dorn, vice president for academic affairs:
After 20 years China has made substantial economic progress, but the ghosts of Tiananmen are restless and will continue to be so until the Goddess of Liberty is restored.
The Chinese Communist Party's "Human Rights Action Plan" (2009-10) addresses several human rights abuses, but it fails to establish a well-defined boundary between the individual and the state that protects rights to life, liberty, and property. Until China limits the power of the CCP and allows people to exercise their natural rights, there will be corruption, and the goal of "social harmony" will be elusive. The lesson of Tiananmen is that the principle of nonintervention (wu wei) is superior to the heavy hand of the state as a way to bring about true harmony.
Cato Scholar Comments on 20th Anniversary of Tianamen
[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]
Cato Scholar Comments on 20th Anniversary of Tianamen
[Source: October News]
Cato Scholar Comments on 20th Anniversary of Tianamen
[Source: Home News]
Cato Scholar Comments on 20th Anniversary of Tianamen
[Source: Daily News]
posted by 88956 @ 7:49 AM,

- Lindsey Graham's protestations aside, it seems clear that there's neither the will nor the numbers to filibuster the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. I'm sure that won't stop Newt and Rush from alienating the rest of the country from the GOP, however.
- The president sent a letter to Max Baucus and Edward Kennedy reiterating his support for a public option for what feels like the inevitable health care reform bill that's slowly working its way through Congress. Meanwhile, Ezra Klein helpfully explains the relevance of MedPAC and why it might finally get some teeth, and Greg Sargent documents the Canadian influence.
- It's hard to disagree with the thesis of this Politico piece, that Obama is deliberately poaching GOP moderates for his administration in order to reduce the Republican party down to its core base of Southern supporters.
- The right has predictably been freaking out over a New York Times piece that asserts President Obama believes the United States could be "one of the largest Muslim countries in the world." As usual, it helps to read the official transcript in these situations. The jury's still out on whether this is sillier than the latest mutterings coming from Michael Goldfarb.
- Mark Levin, last seen screaming at and berating a woman on the air, has a list of "The World's Most Deranged Bloggers." You'd think it would be a roll call of the Left's most pugnacious but actually it's four conservative pundits who tend to point out that people like Levin are nuts. It's odd to think that Levin, author of a book called "Liberty and Tyranny," apparently knows nothing about either subject, but we'll just call this Jonah Goldberg Syndrome from now on.
- Remainders: Tim Pawlenty suggests he'll do what the Minnesota Supreme Court tells him to do; Dave Weigel watches PajamasTV so you don't have to; and Stephen Colbert edits Newsweek?
--Mori Dinauer
[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]
[Source: Cbs News]
[Source: The Daily News]
[Source: China News]
posted by 88956 @ 7:30 AM,
The Weekend Wrap: The Tiller Assassination

The Dish was all over yesterday's big story - the assassination of George Tiller by a crazed Christianist. We traced O'Reilly's troubling rhetoric here, here, and here, and readers checked my reaction here. We chronicled the disturbing role of Operation Rescue here, here, and here, and commentary from the far right here, here, here. A noteworthy voice on the far-right was Robert P. George, who struck the perfect chord. We also aired personal accounts of abortion here and here.
A traumatic Sunday, to say the least. For the right approach to religion, listen to Bob Wright.
The Weekend Wrap: The Tiller Assassination
[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]
The Weekend Wrap: The Tiller Assassination
[Source: Wb News]
The Weekend Wrap: The Tiller Assassination
[Source: World News]
The Weekend Wrap: The Tiller Assassination
[Source: Channel 6 News]
The Weekend Wrap: The Tiller Assassination
[Source: Abc 7 News]
posted by 88956 @ 6:30 AM,
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